Maybe, meeting at night in the parking lot isn't a great idea...

Buy and Sell your stuff safely with Classifii.

Make sure the classifiier extension in installed.

press ctrl+apple+C on a mac or Alt+Shift+C on windows to open the classifiier popup.

Nothing happened? Install it here. Its free and easy!

Add to Chrome!

All good? Click here to open facebook marketplace to buy or sell your items safely.

facebook marketplace

You'll see our classifii button in all your messenger chats whether you are buying or selling. It will look just like the one below.

How Does the Chrome extension work?

Add to Chrome. It's free!
Classifii magically adds a button to your Facebook Marketplace chats. Just message like you normally would. When you are ready to find a safe place to do your deal, click the button!
Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 9.49.06 AM
After confirming the agreed price, simply choose an approved Classifii partner where you will drop off your item. We let you see all the details you need to make your decision.
Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 10.01.38 AM
Paste the invite we create into your chat window. This will guide the other party through the same steps. When they're all signed up we will let you know you can drop off your item.
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